So I know I have been quiet on the blogging front for a few weeks, but I have a good excuse... I have been appliqueing up a storm of onesies! Oh and getting very distracted by our Bump who has started crawling now and pulling himself up on things and generally just getting up to adorable mischief (he climbed into the dishwasher the other day!!!). He just melts my heart. Especially when he squeals with delight and charges on all fours after his furry brothers (cats), Jack and Zarkie. Good excuses for not blogging hey?
I love appliqueing onto onesies, there is something about them that just gets my creative juices flowing and calms my soul late into the evening while I blanket stitch around the designs and everyone else sleeps. I can feel myself start getting restless if I have not had a chance to do some stitching for a few days...maybe it is because I know I have orders waiting to be filled :)
So do you want to see what I have been up to? Here goes....
This hippo with the pink balloon tied to her tail is one of my favourites of a recent order I did. It appeals to my quirky side! And I love how the bright pink polka dot rhino onesie turned out! Who doesn't love a rhino? Or an elephant blowing hearts out of its trunk? ;)
The above two were also part of the same order. The poor owl looks a little startled but I love how she turned out just the same. The fabric that I used for the giraffe was originally ear-marked to make a little girls dress, but I could not resist pinching a few centimetres to use for this giraffe. I hope I will not regret it when I finally get around to sewing that dress!
These are more of my favourites. The bear was inspired by this quilt. I originally made Bump one like the blue one and loved it so much that I even made one in pink and made this one to sell (you can check out my Facebook page Handmade by Guppy). The lion was originally going to be for Bump, but I took so long to finish stitching it, that he had almost grown out of that particular size (8-10 kg), and so I decided to sell it. So now I owe my boy a lion onesie or shirt in a larger size! I really love how this lion turned out!

These are a few more of my most recent appliqued onesies. I have already sold the turquoise rhino striped onesie. It was my absolute favourite!!! Well I hope you have enjoyed seeing what I have been up to lately. I will try to not take so long to post again :)
Keep smiling,
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